Interim Agreement

On this page you can download a Dutch Interim Agreement in Word for use between Principal and Contractor. After downloading the document, you can fill in the variables in the agreement and make any changes. This agreement is only available in Dutch.

This Agreement is aimed at situations in which the 'employer's authority' is officially absent. This means, among other things, that the Contracted Party can perform the work at its own discretion and without the Client's supervision or management. This Model Agreement also allows the Contracted Party to be freely replaced. This means that the Contractor can ask someone else to do the work for him or her. These passages are necessary for the Dutch Tax Authorities to classify the Contractor as a self-employed professional and not as an employee.

Please inform yourself well before using this or any other model agreement, in particular via the site of the Tax Authorities concerned. Planet Interim is not a party to any agreement and is not liable for any agreement made using the download offered here. This agreement is based on the agreement assessed by the Dutch Tax Administration on 21 March 2016 under number 90515112643-3. There is only an Interim Agreement in the Dutch language available here. Please leave the mention of this number in the agreement and check whether the agreement is still valid.