Planet Interim earnings model

Planet Interim's revenue model consists mainly of free basic memberships, with a no cure-no pay component, and paid premium memberships for professionals. There are also company partnerships with organisations that post larger numbers of assignments on Planet Interim, for example. Thanks to these contributions, we can maintain and improve Planet Interim.

The premium membership for professionals

New members can only join via a premium membership.

Only with a premium membership can you respond to interim assignments and be found by employers. This membership can be purchased as of 15 euro per month and can be paused whenever you want. For example, if you go on leave or are on assignment. So you never lose a day of your investment. Check out the advantages of the premium membership now.

The basic membership for professionals

With a free basic membership, among other things, you can search for assignments unlimited and you will still be automatically matched with up-to-date assignments from more than 300 intermediaries, MSPs, brokers, social media and 2,500 affiliated employers. You just can't respond, you need premium for that, but you can keep your account and become premium when it matters to you again. Also, as a basic member, you can be found by employers through Planet Interim. Every time you update your profile, we send an alert to employers interested in your type of profile. Compensation as a basic member is only applicable when your search is successful and you have obtained an assignment because an employer contacted you. This is described in Article 12 of the General User Agreement. Below is a summary.

Summary Article 12 of the General User Agreement

With a basic membership, interim professionals can use almost all of Planet Interim's facilities free of charge. If an interim professional with a basic membership obtains an assignment via (a lead from) Planet Interim, for example through a contact request, we ask the interim professional for a contribution to our costs from € 100 to a maximum of € 195 ex. VAT per month during the first three months of the assignment. We relate the compensation to the regular working week in hours agreed with the employer. The table below shows: on the left the agreed number of hours per regular working week and on the right the compensation ex. VAT per month during the first three months:

Working week in hours


32 hours and more € 195,-
24 to 32 € 150,-
Less than 24 hours or flex 
€ 100,-

Planet Interim monitors contact between employers and interim professionals via our site. We kindly ask interim professionals to also inform Planet Interim themselves of an assignment obtained through our platform. This can be done via this contact form.

Without your integrity and feedback, it is not possible for us to become the best, most transparent platform for interim professionals and their employers. Thank you for your interest and cooperation!